? ??????????????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy the Code??2. Log in to your Blogger account
and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click "S BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Contoh Script

ini scriptnya :
< ?phpheader(" Content-Type:image/jpeg" );$background=@imagecreate(100,100);$kuning=imagecolorallocate($background,250,250,300);$hitam=imagecolorallocate($background,0,0,0);imagearc($background,50,50,50,50,0,360,$hitam);imageJPEG($background);imagedestroy($background);?

< ?phpheader(" Content-Type:image/jpeg" );$background=@imagecreate(100,100);$kuning=imagecolorallocate($background,250,250,300);$hitam=imagecolorallocate($background,0,0,0);imagearc($background,50,50,50,50,0,360,$hitam);imageJPEG($background);imagedestroy($background);? >

< ?php$a = 2;$b = 15;print " \$a = $a dan \$b = $b " ;if ($a > $b){print ;" Nilai a lebih besar dari nilai b;" ;}else{print ;" Nilai a lebih kecil dari nilai b;" ;}?>

< ?php$kalimat = " Belajar PHP" ;$jumlah=strlen($kalimat);print " variabel string \$kalimat = $kalimat <> " ;print " Kalimat '$kalimat' diatas jumlah karakternya adalah $jumlah " ;? >

< ?php$cfile = " datapengunjung.dat" ;$fh = fopen($cfile, " r+" );if (!$fh){die(" Gagal membuka file <> $cfile< /I> . " );}$s = fgets($fh, 6);$hitung = (int) $s;$hitung = $hitung + 1;$hitung = str_pad($hitung, 6);rewind($fh);fwrite($fh, $hitung);echo " Anda pengunjung ke $hitung" ;fclose($fh);? >

< ?php$dir = opendir(" ./ " );while ($baca_file = readdir($dir)){echo " $baca_file" , " \n" ;}closedir($dir);? >